So upset after anchor tummy tuck & breast lift and implants!

on 5/13/09 3:43 pm - CA
I had a brest lift with implants and an anchor tummy tuck on May 1st.  I am trying to tell myself I need to heal but I have seen so many cases online and tv that looked the same as i did before PS and they came out with flat tummy right away!
I had a lot of skin removed, but i still have side flab skin and around right above my hips it is a roll on each side WTF! did anyone come out of surgery like this and heal to have flat tummy? i am totally bummed:(">">>

on 5/13/09 4:22 pm
I had surgery a few days before you.  I had a tummy tuck and breast lift with implants.  I am not completely flat and I have decided to sit and wait.  I know there is swelling and I know I can not be 100% certain about the results until at least six months out.  So I hate to say it but you are just going to have to give your body some time as everyone heals differently and has different reactions to surgery.


I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 

on 5/13/09 4:25 pm - CA
Thanks I know i need to wait it is just so upsetting when you see others come out of the OR looking ready to try on bikinis you know... I also asked him to do the anchor cut so we could make it tight and flat foregoing the beauty aspect for the flat!">">>

on 5/13/09 8:12 pm - CORSICANA, TX
I had a LBL with anchor cut 5 weeks ago and I'm not flat either, I sure hope it's just swelling but I seriously doubt it is for me anyways. Debi


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minuature pinscher 



Shirley H.
on 5/13/09 8:38 pm - Bradenton, FL
wow I think you look amazing you just have to give it all time!!!!
Sit around and let it all heal I am having surgery in 2 weeks and I know easier said than done but I think you really look great I wish I could do my boobs at the same time like you did ! Oh well it will all be good! take care and keep in touch!   You are looking amazing!!!!   I hope I look as great as you do in a few weeks!
(deactivated member)
on 5/13/09 9:38 pm
on 5/13/09 10:03 pm - MN
You look beautiful already!!  It takes time for all of the swelling to go down.

Keep in mind too that all bodies are different.  I know it's hard not to compare.  I do it too - especially when we've come so far with our weight loss!

I'm hoping for you that your results turn out to be what you wanted!

Hang in there!

~ BJ

on 5/13/09 10:20 pm - phila., PA
your pix look great you are only 2 weeks out the swelling takes a long time to go down .  did you also have the muscle tightening?
what I did was measure myself because sometimes we can't see it and are impatient so when I measure myself weekly I know how it is coming down, but I think your outcome is going to be great did you take pix before your PS? I had some excess fat on my hips post TT but it seemed to go down with the swelling now 6 weeks ago I had a butt lift and back lift & inner thigh lift, well my mons is swollen again and the hips are swollen go figure. I wish we could come out of PS the way we are suppossed to w/o all the swelling but it can take a year for the best results and keep wearing your compression garment that will give you best results
Good Luck
Lisa A.
on 5/13/09 10:50 pm
I know it is really hard to wait for end results and My tummy pics  came out looking like i was pregnant but I am doing better with passing months. I am waiting out my BA right now They just look funny and lopsided and not even close to dropping on one side, Lisa
on 5/13/09 10:52 pm - Hudson, NH
I had anchor panni removal 5.5 wks ago.  You can look at my pics on my profile both preop and at wks 1,2,3.  Getting ready to take week 5 pics.  There is going to be swelling especially in the first two weeks, mine has gotten better a little bit each week.  But I am calling the Dr. today because I think I overdid it the other day by wearing a pair of jeans and now my belly is swollen, I'm hoping it resolves on its own but we'll see.  So like the others have said it is a matter of patience.  Take weekly pics even if you don't share them, take them for yourself so you can see the changes.  I expect to not feel like the swelling has mostly settled down until at least 8 weeks and even after that I know that some people have off and on swelling and settling for up to a year.  Be patient, everything will fall into place.

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